Ultima actualizare la data: 21 octombrie 2022

Photo: Peter Suhadolc (left), Bernard Jimenez, Jiří Kraus, Bill Hedley, Terje Heskestad, Jiří Sedlák

Photo: Bill Hedley (left), Vit Vaníček, Jan Huys-Berlingin, Jiří Sedlák, Bernard Jimenez, Peter Suhadolc
LIBEREC 2022 European Exhibition awards
The LIBEREC 2022 jury released the awards on Saturday, 15 October, noon time. Later in the day, during the palmares dinner, the jury votes were counted in front of the audience and the Grand Prize winners were announced.
Grand Prix Championship Class: Terje Heskestad, Norway, “Postal History of the southern coast of Norway from 1719 to UPU”.
Grand Prix International: Jan Huys-Berlingin, Liechtenstein, “Belgium’s 40c imperforate Medallions (1849-1863)”.
Grand Prix National: Tomáš Mádl, Czech Republic, “Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 (philatelic interests and rarities)”.
Please see the list of awards here:

Breaking news from the FEPA Congress in Liberec
The annual FEPA Congress took place on Saturday, 15 October, in Liberec, Czech Republic, during the European Exhibition and Polar Salon LIBEREC 2022. Major decisions ratified by the Congress delegates included:
(a) Granting FEPA membership to the Lebanese Association of Philatelists.
(b) Granting FEPA patronage to the following future exhibitions:
EFIRO 2024 in Bucharest, April 2024.
HAFNIA 2024 in Copenhagen, 17-20 October 2024.
EuroPhilEx 2025 in Birmingham, 8-11 May 2025.
Please follow Bill Hedley’s PowerPoint presentation on FEPA’s programme 2023:
The 2023 Congress will be held in Tarvisio, Italy, during the Alpe-Adria exhibition, 21-24 September 2023.
Detailed minutes of the Congress will be published on a later date.

CAPE TOWN 2022 International Exhibition latest newsletter
The CAPE TOWN 2022 website has uploaded the latest exhibition newsletter which includes the following announcements:
- Composition of the jury.
- Size of the exhibition: 1600 competitive frames and 69 literature exhibits from 43 countries.
- Spink as the major sponsor of the show and the availability of dealers’ stands.
- Exhibit rotation by class (two periods).
- Local weather information.
You can read the newsletter here:
The exhibition will take place between 8 and 12 November.

Fit4IBRA: BDPh online seminars in the winter 2022/23
We received the following from the BDPh (the German Philatelic Federation):
With the IBRA 2023 in Essen, the “World Philately Championships” will be held in Germany again for a long time next year. Such an event is also a challenge. One goal is to show as many great exhibits as possible and get good reviews. Everyone who has an exhibition collection knows that there is always something that can be improved. The IBRA 2023 is an incentive for the BDPh to conduct the BDPh online seminars in the winter half-year 2022/23 under the motto “Fit4IBRA” on the topic “Design of an exhibition collection”.
The lectures will take place online from December 2022. The aim is a foray into the various exhibition classes of traditional philately, about postal history, postal stationery, thematic and the still new open class. Speakers are experienced philatelists, exhibitors and jurors from German-speaking countries and all over the world. Most of the lectures will be in German, but some international speakers will speak in English. So far, Alfred Schmidt, Ralph Ebner, Iva Mouritsen, Jean Voruz, Joachim Maas, as well as Sandeep Jaiswal and Larry Haber in English have confirmed. With Prof. Henrik Mouritsen, RDP, we have succeeded in gaining a globally recognized, experienced and innovative exhibitor as “Philatelic Director”.
In addition to questions about the design and optimization of exhibits, many philatelic topics are of course also dealt with. Participation is therefore certainly also of interest to non-exhibitors, beginners and interested parties. Participation in the online seminars is open to all interested parties and free of charge. As before, registration is via Eventbrite. It is possible to register for individual seminars. It is also possible to register for the entire series of seminars en bloc.
The program is now fixed. Registration is possible via the BDPh homepage at https://www.bdph.de/index.php?id=85
The detailed programme is listed here:

STAMPA 2022 was held at Griffith College, Dublin
A few days before the opening of STAMPA 2022 (7-9 October), we received the following email from our Irish fellows:
STAMPA, the Irish National Stamp Exhibition, will celebrate its 50th anniversary this week, with a return to the venue at Griffith College, Dublin. This year also marks the centenary of Irish Stamps and we will be marking this with some very special exhibits in both the various competitions and displays throughout the exhibition.
Check out www.stampa.ie
This year we will be continuing FREE entry to all attendees. This will be the first exhibition following COVID and we are delighted to be back.
If you collect Irish Stamps or if you have an interest in Irish Philately, or stamps and philately in general or even stamp competitions, then this is the show for you. A major feature of STAMPA has always been the competition entries and displays. There are many classes in which exhibitors have entered whether novice or advanced – see the Awards: (http://stampa.ie/index.php/awards) and Entry Form for details: (http://stampa.ie/index.php/entry-form). For Stampa 2022 a new MODERN class will commence.
A set of philatelic souvenirs are available exclusively to STAMPA members and, in addition, there will be a public souvenir for sale at the show, with specific limited edition postmark cancellations for each day. These items are not available from An Post.

The refreshed Swedish journal “Filatelisten”
The Filatelisten, official journal of Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund (SFF, the Swedish Philatelic Federation), has changed looks! “It was time for a slight refresh”, we read at the SFF website. Follow the story and the details at: https://www.sff.nu/nya-filatelisten-ar-pa-vag/#1216
The SFF was founded in 1886 and according to its website it has almost 3,000 members. Most are involved in one of more than 100 local clubs around the country or in one of the various national societies.