Ultima actualizare la data: 25 ianuarie 2023

The Bordeaux Cover and other rarities at IBRA 2023
A few weeks ago the IBRA 2023 website mentioned that thanks to Richard Borek GmbH & Co. KG, the unique Bordeaux Cover bearing both one penny orange-red and two pence deep blue Mauritius examples will be on display at the IBRA Schatzkammer during the exhibition.
On 9th January, a post in the news section of the website reported that Auktionshaus Heinrich Köhler revealed that the three most valuable rarities of German philately will also be on display:
- the only known first day cover of the “Black One”, the Bavarian 1 Kr. stamp of 1 November 1849,
- the legendary “Baden misprint” 9 Kr. on cover, which was printed on green instead of pink paper (only one other letter and one piece of cover are known of this one) and
- the only complete sheet of the “Saxony Three”, Germany’s second stamp, still in existence.
As we are closing in to the exhibition, more announcements are expected on rarities that will be included at the IBRA Schatzkammer.

Photo: Trish Kaufmann (left), Randy Neil, Charles Verge
The 2023 recipients of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award
Copied from the Collectors Club website:
For the first time in the 70-year history of one of the stamp hobby’s most prestigious awards, the Collectors Club has named three simultaneous winners of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award for Distinguished Service to Philately. They are Trish Kaufmann and Randy Neil of the United States and Charles Verge of Canada. The award was announced at the club’s annual meeting on Jan. 11.
Larry Haber, the president of the Collectors Club, said: “Our Lichtenstein Award winners this year are three of the most outstanding contributors to philately. Each of them has worked to benefit our hobby in ways that will outlast them, and this award simply recognizes their achievements and contributions for what they are: distinguished.”
The full list of past awardees is at:

MULTILATERALE 2023 website is now live!
The upcoming MULTILATERALE exhibition is organised by the Filatelistična zveza Slovenije (Slovenian Philatelic Union, FZS) and will take place under FEPA recognition, from 7 to 10 September 2023 in Osnovna šola Koper (Scuola Elementare Capodistria), Cesta Zore Perello, Godina 1, 6000 Koper.
The Special Regulations (IREX) along with application forms for participation, the Organising Committee, National Commissioners, the preliminary programme of the exhibition, recommended hotels in Koper, and so much more are already listed on the exhibition website: https://fzs.si/multilaterale2023
The FZS is pleased to invite exhibitors from the seven participating nations, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and (the hosts) Slovenia, as well as visitors from every corner of Europe.

Fête du Timbre 2023: 11-12 March
The French Federation (Fédération Française des Associations Philatéliques, FFAP), the Phil@poste and ADPhile are setting up for next March the annual Fête du Timbre, formerly known as Journée du Timbre.
The Fête du Timbre will be spread out throughout France, with roughly one hundred participant towns, as it is customary every year. This is a major philatelic event, aiming also at non-philatelists, trying to introduce them to all possible aspects of philately.
This year’s theme is Mobility by bicycle. An electric bicycle is depicted on the postage stamp and cycle tourism on the miniature sheet, both to be issued by La Poste.

TRELLEBORG 2023 Bilateral Swedish-German Exhibition
Common collecting interests between Swedish and German philatelists was the spark that ignited the idea of a bilateral exhibition in Trelleborg Sweden, between 15 and 17 September. The Sveriges Filatelistförbund (SFF) mentions on its website that there will be a similar bilateral exhibition in 2024 hosted by the Germans.
Details at: https://filatelisten.se/2023/01/09/ny-utstallning-trelleborg-2023

The Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Iraq
The Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Iraq with Military Post & Foreign Postal Agencies, by Kemal Giray FRPSL, has been recently published by Balkanphila Ltd. 2023, in A4 size, softcover, 209 pages, illustrated in colour, limited edition of 150 numbered copies.
The book is a comprehensive guide to the post offices and agencies during the Ottoman period in present day Iraq with a review of the historical background and details on the Ottoman currency, the weights and measures, the Ottoman postal rates 1840-1916 etc.
Details here:

Koleksionisti: From the Association of Collectors of Albania
Robert Ballauri (1925-2006) was a prominent philatelic figure in his homeland, also well-known outside Albania. In 1998 he visualised, created and published the Koleksionisti magazine, as the house organ of the Association of Collectors of Albania. Ballauri’s main concern was to bring the magazine in front of a wider audience, so many of the articles were bilingual; if not, it would be followed by a summary in English. The magazine is primarily of philatelic nature, however some of its articles deal with other collectables, like coins, medals, postcards etc.
Following the loss of Ballauri the publication of the magazine was supsended between 2006-2008 and reappeared in 2009 under the editorship of Timi Nika (1949-2018). Today, chief editor is Ms. Elsa Ballauri, the late Robert’s daughter.
All 38 issues of the Koleksionisti are freely available here: