Ultima actualizare la data: 29 iunie 2022

[photos credit: FFAP Twitter account]

BRATISLAVA 2023 from the Union of Slovak Philatelists
The Chairman of the Union of Slovak Philatelists, Pavol Lazar, sent us the following communication for the FEPA News readers:
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic, the Union of Slovak Philatelists in cooperation with the Slovak Post is organizing during the Bratislava Collector’s Days, in June 2-4, 2023, in Bratislava, a National Philatelic Exhibition of 3rd to 1st degree with international participation in all exhibition classes.
Several world rarities as well as a cross-section of the history of philately in Slovakia will also be presented at the exhibition.
The exhibition is open to exhibits (including single-frame) belonging to exhibitors of all ages, including young people. All those interested to exhibit a new exhibit or increase the qualification of an existing exhibit for higher-level exhibitions (international, world) need to register by January 31, 2023, to the General Commissioner, Peter Osusky, peter.osusky@yahoo.sk, or to the Chairman Pavol Lazar, zsflazar@gmail.com.

[photo credits: Vaccari news]
Francesco Tulli, Italian stamp designer, passed away
Vaccari news reported on 20 June the passing away of Francesco Tulli, a tireless artist and stamp designer, who worked at the Istituto poligrafico e zecca dello stato (translated freely as National Printing House and State Mint) between 1952 and 1998, and produced sixty stamps of Italy and Vatican City between the 1970s until as late as into the euro period.
Francesco Tulli was born in 1932. He graduated from l’Accademia di belle arti di Roma (the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome) as a painter and engraver. He died at the age of 89.

Photo: Delegates in attendance at the 1st International Congress (2019)
photo credit: Istituto di studi storici postali “Aldo Cecchi”
2nd International Congress in Postal History, Prato, Italy
The Institute of Postal History Studies (Istituto di studi storici postali) “Aldo Cecchi”, in Prato, Italy, was getting ready for its 2nd International Congress in Postal History, which took place from 23 to 25 June 2022. The invited papers eloquently showed the multidisciplinary nature of postal history and will cover subjects from classical antiquity to late 20th century.
In 2019 the Institute organised its 1st International Congress with participants from Europe and America. It proved to be an important scientific meeting between scholars who shared methodologies, experiences and ideas, and also discussed the state of the art in international research.
Download the International Congress Program here (pdf, 2MB).
Download the Abstracts of the Papers here (pdf, 400 KB).

Priceless moments on Father’s Day!
Copied from the FB account of the Hellenic Philatelic Society (19 June):
Moments: Cases like these, where you want to say m ore; not to let them end.
It was only recently that we received a message. A lady asked to offer a complete set of “Philotelia” magazine from 1924 to 1955 in eight nicely bound volumes. We though to ask her what price she had in mind in order to prepare the ad for their sale. We got it all wrong! She had not any intention to sell. The magazine belonged to her father and all she wanted was the volumes to go somewhere worthwhile; not to be thrown away, but to be welcomed in a nice new place.
Philately is not just a collection of “stuff”. It is definitely more. It is moments. Priceless moments like these, which we chose to share with you.
As of this day, on Father’s Day(!), the volumes of “Philotelia” are in new, hospitable hands. In case she is watching us, we would like to thank her for these beautiful moments.

A great programme for PARIS PHILEX 2022 visitors
We read on the French Federation (FFAP) website that after an interruption in 2020 for health reasons, La Poste, the FFAP, the CNEP and the ADPhile have joined forces to organise, from 23 to 26 June, the PARIS-PHILEX 2022 exhibition at the Parc des Expositions de Paris, Porte de Versailles.
A great programme with lots of activities for the visitors is described in detail on the FFAP webpage: https://www.ffap.net/Evenements/pagesdediees/parisphilex2022.php
Part of the activities are described on the attached exhibition poster (click on the poster to enlarge).

ANTVERPIA 2022 major prize winners
ANTVERPIA 2022, the Belgian National with international participation, took place in Antwerp, Belgium, during the weekend 10-12 June. Jozef Ghys, President of the Organising Committee, and his team have managed to put together a great exhibition with the participation of all classes and no less than 631 16-page frames in competition.
Major prize winners:
- Medaille van de koning: Luc SELIS, “Le courrier de la Grande Pêche 1730 – 1940”, PH, 97 points, LG
- Prijs K.L.B.P. / F.R.C.P.B.: Willy VANDE WIELE, “Foreign Mail to Ghent from 1625 until 1815”, PH, 95 p., LG
- Prijs Bephila: Renaat NUYTS, “De zeevaarders breken de wereld open (anno 15de en 16de eeuw)”, TH, 96 p., LG
- Prijs Walter Major: Robert LISABETH, “Belgian Airmail sent to North-America until 1952”, AE, 88 p., LV
- Prijs F. De Troyer: Philippe IEKO, “L’Impressionnisme, une charnière majeure dans la peinture”, TH, 95 p., LG
- Prijs “Overall Belgian Champion”: Jan COSYNS, “Scouts post in 1944 – 1945”, PH, 91 p., G
Details on the exhibition: https://antverpia2022.be

Photo: Sacadura Cabral (left) and Gago Coutinho on the back cover of “Filatelia Lusitana”
Portuguese philately celebrates Centenary of South Atlantic Crossing
The June edition of Filatelia Lusitana, the official organ of the Portuguese Federation, is dedicated to the centenary of the first air crossing of the South Atlantic by two Portuguese pioneers, Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral.
President Pedro Vaz Pereira starts his Editorial by citing the first verse of the epic poem “Os Lusíadas” by Luís de Camões, which celebrates the discovery of the sea route to India by Vasco da Gama. He compares a historic accomplishment of the distant past to another historic accomplishment of the 20th century by the two heroic Portuguese figures, who were the first to cross the South Atlantic in 1922. He goes on saying that the Portuguese Federation could not be inactive to such a major world scientific and social achievement and in closing he praises João Soeiro, renowned researcher and specialist in aerophilately, who took care of the issue.
This special issue of Filatelia Lusitana cannot be missed by any aero enthusiast!